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SBIT to Budapest: a study trip organized by the ECT committee

From October 23 to 29, 2023, ASSET | SBIT went to Budapest (Hungary). Every year, SBIT’s European Study Trip (ECT) committee organizes a trip within Europe. This is one of the many fun activities that are organized annually by the study association. Students studying for a master’s degree in Information Management or a bachelor’s degree in Business Economics at Tilburg University may participate in this trip. This article gives an idea of what a study trip organized by SBIT looks like.

In previous years, the study association has visited Tallinn (2021) and Zagreb (2022). In 2023 the choice fell on Budapest. The annual ECT aims to give students the opportunity to orient themselves internationally in the field of Information Management. This is in line with the study association’s goal to allow students to gain a broad orientation within the field of Information Management.

The trip is organized by the ECT Commission. This consisted of 7 active members of SBIT. The committee chose to go to Budapest because it is a city that has a lot to offer. On the one hand, there is plenty of activity regarding universities and educational institutions. On the other hand, there is also a developed business community that deals with Information Management issues. In addition, Budapest offers plenty of opportunities to fill your free time with fun activities!

The trip was financed by the participants of the trip, by the study association, sponsors, and with the help of the Studium Generale subsidy fund.

Studium Generale

Organizing a trip costs money. That is why several parties are involved in financing the trip to Budapest. One of the parties that financed part of the trip is the Studium Generale subsidy fund. This is a committee from Tilburg University where students can apply for a subsidy to organize a study trip. Every student registered at Tilburg University can submit an application for a subsidy. However, the study trip to be organized must meet certain requirements. For example, it must be demonstrated that the trip will contribute to the student’s orientation through research. This research must be related to the field of study that the student is following.

The ECT committee also set up a study to be conducted in Budapest. This research concerns the exploration of potential organizational factors that influence the adoption of digital technologies. The result of the research was the fact that factors such as organizational structure, corporate culture, policies and leadership, roles and functions, and internal/external factors. These results were ultimately incorporated into a report. This report is proof that the study trip has met the requirements set by Studium Generale. In addition to setting up a study, the committee also played a role in organizing the study trip.

The organization of the study trip

As previously mentioned, the committee consisted of seven active members of SBIT. The aim of the committee was to set up a fun study trip for a reasonable participant fee. The organization took place in several meetings over a period of six months. There were different roles, each with their own responsibilities:

  • Chairman: The chairman is responsible for conducting and organizing meetings. He/she ensures that there is an agenda for every meeting.
  • Treasurer: The treasurer is responsible for the financial overview of the trip.
  • Secretary: The secretary is responsible for taking minutes.
  • Head of companies: Head of companies is responsible for contact with potential companies or universities that the committee intends to visit during the trip.
  • Planning Chief: Planning chief is responsible for creating a schedule with all activities. In addition, the planning chef is responsible for making reservations/bookings for activities.
  • All-round committee member: Not every member had a role. That is why other committee members were given supporting tasks.

The roles were not completely fixed. For example, the chairman, treasurer and secretary could support the tasks of company chief and planning manager and vice versa. Together we ensured that all to-do’s and tasks were completed. In this way, a trip was organized in which active members of SBIT could participate.

Result: the program of the trip

For a participant contribution of €400, active members of SBIT were allowed to participate in the study trip to Budapest. Several things were included including: a return flight, accommodation with breakfast and activities. The program looked like this:

Day 1: Arrival

Day one was a travel day. All participants had to get up early to catch the first train from Tilburg central station. From there we went to Eindhoven Airport by public transport. We went to Budapest with the airline WizzAir. After we arrived in Budapest, we were taken to our accommodation (Avenue Hostel) by a hired bus with a driver. The hostel was located quite centrally, making everything in Budapest easily accessible. The rest of the day everyone had time to rest from the journey. In the evening we went out for dinner with the entire group of participants. And the last activity was an organized pub crawl.

Day 2: crazy 88 and boat tour on Danube river

On the second day everyone had time to sleep in. The program didn’t start until the afternoon that day. The first activity was a crazy 88 through part of the city. The participants were given 88 assignments that they had to complete within a certain time to collect points. As proof, photos and videos had to be taken of the execution or result of the assignments. As a committee you have the task of assessing these videos and photos and awarding points. The evening program consisted of a boat trip on the Danube River that runs through Budapest. The boat trip took place in the dark, making the illuminated buildings on the banks of the Danube clearly visible.

Day 3: Óbuda University and Parlaiment Building

A visit to Óbuda University was planned on day three. This is a university with an Informatics faculty. This ties in with the field of Information Management. During the visit we received a tour of the campus and the museum located on the faculty. The visit ended with a quiz about management and IT. After the university visit, an optional activity was on the program. A large number of all participants would visit the well-known Parliament Building of Hungary. A Halloween-themed party was planned in the evening. This party was organized by the international study association ESN. This study association also has a department in Tilburg.

Day 4: Tata Consultancy and Greenformatics

The fourth day was devoted to company visits. The first visit was to the company Tata Consultancy Services. This is a subsidiary organization of the multinational Tata that focuses on business consultancy tasks. The second company visited is Greenformatics. This is a small software company located in the heart of Budapest. Free time was planned in the afternoon, and in the evening we went with all participants to a well-known entertainment venue, Morrisons.

Day 5: Buda Castle Cave tour and Pub Quiz

Day five was all about free time. A cave walk was planned in the morning. We had a tour of the cave system that runs beneath Buda Castle. And in the evening we took part in the pub quiz organized by the hostel. After the pub quiz, the nightlife in Budapest was further explored.

Day 6: Budapest Spa

The last day was also all about free time and rest. That is why one optional activity was planned. We went to the well-known spa of Budapest. Here all participants could relax for a while to end the trip well.

Day 7: Return journey

The last day was scheduled as a return travel day. We had to be at Budapest airport early so that we could arrive back in Eindhoven before noon.

Are you an IM Student and interested?

Interested in joining a trip with SBIT? First you have to be a member of the study association: become member!

The study trip has been a great opportunity for the active members to orient themselves internationally. In addition, the committee members have gained experience in organizing a trip. If you ever get the chance to go on such a trip, or you can help organize it, then it is recommended that you take this opportunity.

During the study trip organizaiton, I was the treasurer. In my opinion, it is fun to organize such an event. I was fairly new to SBIT when I started at this committee and I got the chance to meet new people quickly. For the individuals reading this: I would recommend joining a committee at ASSET | SBIT. And if you get the chance, join the ECT committee!

Do you want to know more about what SBIT members are up to? Look at our article about what it is like to study in Finland!